(c) CHORNY (Alexandr Ciornii) 2014-2015. This a tool for CPAN, repository for Perl programming language modules. Fork here https://github.com/chorny/cpan-indexed-old.

author: DMANURA

When modules are removed from CPAN distributions, latest version of distribution that contains this module remains indexed. There are several problems with it:
If you don't want to delete some old version, you can release new version that includes empty versions of removed modules.
Note: Sometimes this tool incorrectly detects latest version as old version. Please check before deleting. I can help you in resolving this issue, my e-mail is alexchorny@gmail.com.

Distribution: SQL-Interpolate latest version: 0.32
Dist versiondistmodules indexed
0.31DMANURA/SQL-Interpolate-0.31.tar.gz SQL::Interpolate::Literal
0.30DMANURA/SQL-Interpolate-0.30.tar.gz SQL::Interpolate::Fragment